Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

Samsung-Apple patent war: US Supreme Court agrees to have up Samsung's appeal

Rejecting Apple's request decide otherwise, the US Supreme Court has allowed us hear Samsung's appeal that will re-examine the decisions manufactured in its patent case against Apple all this time.

This comes around three months after the South Korean mechanic giant filed the elegance. In case you don't have no doubt about, Samsung's decision to step the Supreme Court came during the wake of the company agreeing paying Apple $548 million to settle their yearslong patent suitable case.

At the heart, Samsung wants the Supreme Court to review how patent cases, specifically those regarding design, are dealt utilizing. It argues that unlike cases regarding utility patents (that cover how a product functions), the jury isn't given all the information on how to know the patents when going through design patent-related cases.

What's more, the company is also questioning the manner in which damages are calculated in these cases, noting that in sure scenarios a convicted company be also made to pay any entirety of its proceeds multiple times.

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